TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED: Increase performance and decrease undo segment usage

Oracle 12c has a new parameter called TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED.
This parameter can be set at the SESSION or SYSTEM level. When it is set to TRUE, all undo information for temporary tables is written to the temp tables themselves and not to the database undo tablespace.

Undo space can be a problem for the database, especially if the application code is written in such a way that it holds transactions open for a long time (generally a bad practice) or there are long-running queries in the database. If the undo tablespace runs out of space, the database will generate ORA-01650: Unable to extend rollback segment for attempts to update the database and ORA-01555: Snapshot too old for long-running queries. Each of these will cause application errors, resulting in unhappy users.

  • Enabling temp undo helps with both of these problems by removing all undo for temporary tables from the database undo tablespace, giving more space for DML operations.
  • Undo retention will more accurately reflect the database needs and not be skewed by temporary table usage. This may help meet retention targets for FLASHBACK operations.
  • Less redo is generated against the database as well. Temporary table DML does not generate redo so rollbacks against temporary tables do not generate redo either.
  • Operations that use undo (database recovery, Log Miner, etc.) will complete faster since the temp undo is not included.
  • This setting affects operations against temporary tables only. Other uses of the temporary tablespaces (sorts, index creations, select distinct, etc.) will not be affected.
  • The first time a session uses temporary tables, the current value of TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED will be used for the rest of the session and cannot be changed.