124861-15 patch prerequisite can be safely ignored when installing Oracle 11g on Solaris 10

When installing 11gr2 db on Solaris 10 the following error comes up:
OS Patch:124861-15 
- This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the patch "124861-15" is available on the system.
Expected Value
 : Patch 124861-15
Actual Value
 : Patch missing
 List of errors: 
PRVF-9809 : Proper OS Patch is not found on node "&ltNode Name>" 
[Expected = "124861-15" ; Found = "Patch missing"]  - Cause:  Required OS Patch is not applied.  
- Action:  Apply the required OS Patch. 

This can be safely ignored according to MOS doc id 969497.1:

OUI should only check for this optional patch while installing the Pro*C precompiler.

If Pro*C is not being installed, OUI should not check for this patch.

Support opened Bug 9214210 for this issue