Terminate an RMAN Session

Terminating an RMAN Command

There are several ways to terminate an RMAN command in the middle of execution:


The preferred method is to press CTRL+C (or the equivalent "attention" key combination for your system) in the RMAN interface. This will also terminates allocated channels, unless they are hung in the media management code, as happens when, for example, when they are waiting for a tape to be mounted.

You can kill the server session corresponding to the RMAN channel by running the SQL ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION statement.

You can terminate the server session corresponding to the RMAN channel on the operating system.

Terminating the Session with ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION

You can identify the Oracle session ID for an RMAN channel by looking in the RMAN log for messages with the format shown in the following example:

channel ch1: sid=15 devtype=SBT_TAPE

The sid and devtype are displayed for each allocated channel. Note that the Oracle sid is different from the operating system process ID. You can kill the session using a SQL ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION statement.

ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION takes two arguments, the sid printed in the RMAN message and a serial number, both of which can be obtained by querying V$SESSION. For example, run the following statement, where sid_in_rman_output is the number from the RMAN message:


Then, run the following statement, substituting the sid_in_rman_output and serial number obtained from the query:

ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION 'sid_in_rman_output,serial#';

Note that this will not unhang the session if the session is hung in media manager code..
Terminating the Session at the Operating System Level

Finding and killing the processes that are associated with the server sessions is operating system specific. On some platforms the server sessions are not associated with any processes at all. Refer to your operating system specific documentation for more information.
Terminating an RMAN Session That Is Hung in the Media Manager

You may sometimes need to kill an RMAN job that is hung in the media manager. The best way to terminate RMAN when the channel connections are hung in the media manager is to kill the session in the media manager. If this action does not solve the problem, then on some platforms, such as Unix, you may be able to kill the Oracle processes of the connections. (Note that killing the Oracle processes may cause problems from the media manager. See your media manager documentation for details.)